Dog mom super powers....

My secret tool for keeping track of my dog’s health

Thanks to the Whistle Labs GO Explore

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Sponsored by Whistle Labs

If I think back to the first couple of days we had Tabor, I remember being so scared that she might be really sick... Her stomach was doing crazy things and we had no measure of what was normal for her... It was honestly a bit scary and disempowering... It can be so tricky with dogs because they can’t tell you what’s going on or what they need and so often with shelter dogs you don’t know their whole story! I’m not sure if any of you can relate, but it was definitely a big fear of ours in the beginning that she might be really struggling with something health-wise that we didn’t know about.


While we have gotten so much better at learning what she needs over the last year, it's sometimes still hard to tell if she's just having an off day or if it's something more serious, so we have been loving the health features that come along with her Whistle GO Explore! Not only does it track her daily activities (even showing the mileage she's done each day), but it also shows her licking/scratching habits and sleep quality. We even get weekly email reports showing us how this week compares to her last.

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These health features make me feel so much more empowered as a dog mama because I have a much clearer window into her ongoing health and well-being. I love seeing how many more miles she does on each hike than me and I love that if any of her habits get a bit off, I'll be able to know before it turns into something more serious! Anyone else as obsessed with their pet's health as I am?

Want to learn more about the Whistle GO Explore?

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Arielle Shipe